London Care Record

The system formerly known as ConnectCare is now becoming the London Care Record.

London Care Record is a shared care record that provides a joined-up view of patient data which includes diagnosis, medications, investigations, risks/warnings, examinations, procedures, allergies, appointments, clinical correspondence, discharge summaries, laboratory results, pathology, and radiology reports.

A file of documents

Once fully rolled out, the London Care Record will include information from primary care, acute services, community service providers, out of hours and 111 providers, social care services and mental health trusts.

The London Care Record is now one of the largest Shared Care Records in the world, and patients and service users need to be informed that their health and care information is being shared outside of South East London for the first time.

For more information and to opt out, visit the Lewisham and Greenwich website.

Published: Jun 9, 2022